Monday, September 20, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook September 20~2010

Outside my window...Another cold September afternoon in North Idaho, windy and looks like a chance of rain.
I am thinking...Thank You Lord you are always there every moment of the day.
I am thankful for...The things I have had to go through for they have made me stronger and helped me grow much closer to Jesus
From the learning rooms...We are learning a lot in Health about-Healthy eating and working on doing a better job at eating healthier for all of us.
From the kitchen...Chicken Alfredo and Salad
I am wearing...Gray Shorts and a Green Top
I am creating...A Christ Centered Home
I am be entering items in my first craft fair
I am reading...More hours in my day by Emilie Barns
I am hoping...To learn how to budget better
I am hearing...The Tv in the living room and the kids talking about their homework
Around the house...Fixing dinner, laundry,running daughter 1 to Church and picking up hubby from work.
Scripture Thought...All your children shall be taught by the Lord. And great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
One of my favorite things...early mornings when my husband,oldest daughter and 2nd oldest are gone and I can come home and have quiet time before school starts for the younger two.
A few plans for the rest of the week:No appointments this week, so just hanging around the house, getting the younger two working on school and catching up on laundry. Finishing up on some last minute things for the craft fair.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

 Whitney and Simba

To view more daybooks go Here

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